2021 Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat

Thank you to all our speakers and sponsors for making this event possible!


  • Harvey Max Chochinov, OC, MD, PhD, FRCPC

  • Ira Byock, MD, FAAHPM


September 10, 2021

9:30 AM

9:40 AM

10:30 AM



11:40 AM
1:45 PM
2:55 PM

Welcome by Dr. Glen Maddison

Introduction of Dr. Chochinov: Dr. Evan Lilly

Session #1: Dignity in Care: New Opportunities in Palliative Care

Q&A Time
Dr. Chochinov

Session #2: Optimal Therapeutic Effectiveness: Getting it Right with Patients

Q&A Time
Lunch & Complimentary Viewing of “The B.I.G. Cycle of Life” Documentary
Introduction of Dr. Byock: Dr. Glen Maddison
Dr. Byock

Session #3: Making Whole Person Caring the New Normal: Palliative Care’s Role in Authentic Healthcare Transformation

Q&A Time
Dr. Byock

Session #4: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies Fostering Wellbeing for People with Life-Threatening Illness

Q&A Time
Closing Remarks

Thank you to our Speakers, Sponsors & Participants!